Who says you can't spend your time becoming mentally free and bursting with confidence in 30 days?


(All while getting more business, spending less time online, and traveling with your kids!)


Are you ready to release the mental weight of your overwhelm, work dread, self criticism and sabotage,

to FINALLY step into the person you know in the pit of your stomach you are capable of becoming,

and have been DYING TO UNLEASH for far longer than you want to admit!

If only there was a way to tell your pesky excuses and that super villain that lives in your head telling you

"you can't, it's too hard, just do it later, you suck, you're an imposter and everyone sees it but you"

to just get out of the way!

And make room for the biggest, badass, most confident, rolling in the dough, & passionate

version of YOU that the world has yet to see!


There is.

And it can happen in 30 days.

And it doesn't cost as much as your first born, it doesn't take you 10 hours each day, and it doesn't require you to be anything other than uniquely and imperfectly you right now.

Welcome to your 30 Day Mindset Evolution

This is your time to finally take your daydreams of what could be possible and become the person that makes those dreams into a thriving reality for you and your family.

This is for you if:

âś… You have admittedly been slacking on routines and self discipline lately because well it just got stale and you crave something new, you know?

✅ You want to stop trading your time for income & actually get out of your own way to serve at a level you know in the pit of your stomach you are capable of (but too afraid to fully step into)

✅ You have a burning desire to feel free. You have a list of many things you want to be free from now and it keeps growing and sometimes you question the point of doing anything if you will always feel caged in

This is for you if this is your freedom list:

You say things like I want to be free from…

✅ Free from having to trade your physical time for money when you see kids getting rich on YouTube.

✅ Free from having to pause and think “can I afford this” when you desperately want something but don’t want to feel bad because what if you can’t justify yourself as worthy of having it if you don’t REALLY need it, right?

✅ Free from the anxious thought loops and the conversations you have with yourself in the shower about how every choice you might make next or have ever made is completely wrong and you’ll have to live with it forever.

✅ Free from the overwhelming dread that hits when you wake up and think about all the things you “have to do” just to make it back into this bed at the end of the day...

✅ Free from the thoughts of being seen for the real YOU and having the world realize you never knew anything, you are a sham, everyone else is obviously doing better than you because you just generally aren’t cool enough

✅Free from feeling generally numb, unmotivated, empty, and irritated about all of it - all while trying to maintain general positive energy and pretend like you have it all together. (when really you just want a week off of all family, work, and social duties to watch netflix, eat ice cream, and live in someone else’s life that sounds a lot easier right now)


It’s time to free yourself from this freedom list.


What if you decided to change everything right now?

What if you made the decision right now to no longer allow yourself to suffer?

What if you decided to spend 30 days rewriting your lists?

Rewriting the rest of your autobiography

And instead, you decide on writing a story that defeats the super villain living in your brain.

What if you gave it a shot?

What if right now, that one very simple decision could completely change your life’s trajectory?

What could be possible for you then?

What could be possible when you start showing up as the superhero in your life instead of the extra?

This is what is possible.

You could take your kids on that trip to Disney you’ve been promising for too long without having enough funds and business momentum to do it.

You could have an inbox full of unicorn clients begging to work with YOU because of who you ARE and not the accomplishments you thought you had to chase to prove you are worthy.

You could wake up with hope, purpose, vitality, and energy to LIVE each day with confidence, and rock-solid belief in yourself so that you start the business FINALLY and ask for the raise!

You can show up for yourself and your family in the present moment and become the parent you wish you had growing up.

You can say goodbye to the overwhelmed ghost of a human you accepted as “good” or “fine” when you know now and forever what being GREAT feels like!

You will be unleashed to create whatever future story you decide to write in your book of adventure.

And you will know and trust that this feeling of aliveness is something YOU created just by believing you could and picking up the pen of possibility.

This is your time to finally lean into your greatest potential.


You deserve it. You are right on time. And you are ready.

Go get your card and sign up now before the super villain recharges!


Welcome to YOUR Mindset Evolution.

**but what if you have to go on vacation or holiday or travel or find other reasons that "you can't" make this work like pool parties and BBQs? (because those sound more fun right?)

You can. OR you can step into the version of yourself that can have both. That can do both. That can actually learn to experience balance.

How's that sound?

Freaking great! So let's do it!

Here is a preview of "How" it will go.

Each day, we will focus on these "3 Pillars of Success" with guided mindset lessons to start your morning.

Over the 30 days we will reset your mindset and rewire your brain to focus on what's possible for you WHILE taking action to make it manifest.

Show up, trust in your limitless potential, and create a new story of success and self confidence with us.


What you'll get:

✅ Daily mindset coaching lessons, reflection prompts and energizing activities to challenge, refresh and motivate you to unleash your hidden potential

✅ Choose Your Own Adventure "Evolution Triangle" guide + workbook to track your progress, stay committed, and crush your unique goals to unleash your hero

✅ Daily guided journal prompts to assist in rewiring your mindset, live happier, find work-life balance, obliterate obstacles in your way, and evolve into your greatest self!

How this works:

Each day, there will be a mindset lesson to begin your morning

Then you will complete your own unique "mindset evolution triangle" activities given to you in the videos + workbook 

You will work through these on your own 

The whole framework will unfold for you over the 30 days of rewiring, so do not fret and think you need every detail of how it's going to work (just trust you can get your body out of bed and in front of a screen or journal and you'll do great!)

For now...

Think mind, body, and energy reset each morning to make you feel UNSTOPPABLE. 

Don't think you have it in you?

You do.

Lean on the community when you need to, but you will be stunned at how proud you are after sticking with us for the month.

The life you have been dreaming about but afraid to step into fully is waiting for you.

Do it even if you're scared. Do it because enough of you believes you can. 

Let's build the upgraded you, together.

Join now and activate those super powers that have been waiting to be unleashed!

"My overall energy was just fantastic. I haven't had this much "go-go" momentum and energy in a while. I feel great and want to continue this and do it again myself next month!"

- Josh

"I start a new job next month. Better in so many ways for me and my family. I really appreciate the Challenge and Group for supporting consistent action in my life."

- William V. 

"When I was on it, my energy levels were SO MUCH BETTER! I took a cold shower every day this month and learned so much about myself and how to balance my life."

- Cherish

What are you waiting for? ✨


$222.00 only



$120/month x 2


Frequently asked questions