Become the Best Version of Yourself by Raising Your Vibration
Aug 15, 2022Are you living your best life right now?
Are you living up to your full potential?
Are you showing up as your best self?
Chances are, your answer is no. But that’s okay. You have the power to change your reality and attract the life that you want.
You can start by raising your vibration to match the vibration of what we wish to attract.
A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing.
When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused.
Here is where the Law of Attraction comes into play. This law states that like attracts like, so low vibration energy attracts more of the same, so when you raise your vibration, you attract more high vibration energy!
The graph below shows just how your thoughts and feelings move your vibration along this frequency:
I used to think that this is a little woo-woo, but the more I practiced it, the more I saw my vision coming true.
Here are different ways to help raise your vibration frequency:
Practice gratitude
Being grateful allows you to raise your vibration and attract even better things into your life. Turn your attention to what you are thankful for at this moment. It could be your home, your partner, your pet, anything! Do this whenever you feel yourself experiencing a low energy emotion, see if you can shift your attention to gratitude.
Accept yourself
Accept your worst self just as you accept your best self, and you will learn to love yourself. Be your own best friend, because the only thing that we have and control, in the end, is ourselves.
Show up for yourself. Respect your boundaries and values. Listen to your body and mind. Get enough sleep and exercise.
When you completely accept and show up for yourself, it helps you become your best self.
Visualize your higher self
Take a few minutes every day to visualize your ideal, best self. Visualize the person you want to become and the life you want to live. What are you wearing? What do you do? Make a vision board and spend a few minutes looking at it and feeling and believing that is your life.
When you train yourself to be present with the moment you are in, you resonate more harmoniously with the world. Meditating and breathing mindfully also calms your nervous system, improves your mood, and brings about greater feelings of peace.
You’re not always aware of all your thoughts. But those thoughts are what become your truth. Your thoughts, words, and actions all transform into your reality. Meditation helps us become aware of our thoughts and raise your vibration by letting go of thoughts that are no longer serving you.
Spend time in nature
Walk barefoot, spend time with your pets, and move your body outside.
If we always sit still, our vibration will become stuck as well. Your body needs to receive a grounding, positive energy. When surrounded by nature, your ego starts to dissolve, your low frequencies start to dissipate, and you raise your vibration.
Eat healthy
You cannot raise your vibration and attract positivity if all you’re putting in your body has no nutritional value. In the end, you really are what you eat. An abundance of energy, mental clarity, and inner peace, all start with what you put into our bodies.
Everything you consume is prana, or life force energy. If you eat a lot of “dead” energy (in the form of meat, fried, or processed food), you will lower your vibration. By eating nutrient-dense, prana-rich foods, like local and organic fruits and vegetables, your body literally absorbs these things, making you more light, vibrant, and alive.
High-vibration food makes a person’s vibration higher.
Let go and have fun
Don’t worry about what other people think and go do you! Be a kid again. Find the things you loved as a child and embrace them again. Appreciate everything. Experiment. Be curious. Be silly. These will help put you in a positive state of mind and allow your vibration to rise.
Are you ready to raise your vibration?
Reference: https://freedomwithin.org