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Do You Struggle to Make Decisions?

Oct 10, 2022

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits

Do you ever feel like you’re running on a treadmill to nowhere?

In school and throughout your childhood it felt as if there was a map laid out for you, but now the map has turned into a menu and trying to make a decision has become debilitating? Or maybe one of the struggles with making decisions is that you’re afraid of failing at something that’s been begging you for more and more attention all of your life, but that fear has held you back from just trying.

In this episode, I want to reassure you that you can actually do anything you want to. Stop feeling as if you’re wasting away with things not meant for you and get more aligned with what you truly want!

In this episode, I will cover:

  • Treadmill of Life (0:53)
  • The Indecision Cycle (9:51)
  • The Feather, Brick, and Truck (12:26)
  • Staying in the ‘What’ and the ‘Why’ (16:08)
  • Figuring things out with me (21:21)