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How to Create More Motivation for Yourself

Sep 19, 2022

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits

Are you feeling stuck on a loop of constant quitting because you start off strong towards a goal but then the motivation fizzles out after a while? Is this a common pattern of yours?

Don't feel bad - I’ve been there, too! But then I learned what I was missing and that I didn’t need to just set goals – I needed something bigger to help navigate me to where I wanted to go. In this episode I'm diving into a key piece you may be missing and teaching you how to readjust when motivation is lacking.

In this episode, I will cover:

  • The Endless Cycle of Disappointment (0:17)
  • Having Goals vs Having Vision (2:54)
  • How to strengthen your vision (4:32)
  • What do you truly want? (7:48)
  • Share your vision (11:00)