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Your Self-Defeating Character

Oct 03, 2022

Welcome to The Becoming Better Together in Mindset and Business with Brie Willits

Do you have a self-defeating character in your mind? You know, that little voice that likes to keep you comfortable and safe by trying to derail you from your purpose and moving towards the life you want to achieve. That little voice that comes in and is really hard on yourself.

Well, in this episode, I’m going to teach you how to dance with your own versions of “Pain and Panic” so you can take back control by kicking the self-doubt out and go back to being the star of your own show!

In this episode, I will cover:

  • The little voices inside of us (0:44)
  • Characterizing the little voices in your head (2:18)
  • How to dance with your characters (5:12)